The Use of Albumin in Liver Cirrhosis - Current Treatment Concepts and Future Outlook

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Autor: Jonel Trebicka, Department of Internal Medicine B, University of Münster

Weitere Infos: UNI-MED Science, 1st edition 2024, 95 pp, 14 illustrations

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Produktname / ISBN Anzahl
Buch The Use of Albumin in Liver Cirrhosis - Current Treatment Concepts and Future Outlook
Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-8374-1667-1
4,95 € *
ePDF The Use of Albumin in Liver Cirrhosis - Current Treatment Concepts and Future Outlook
Download, ISBN: 978-3-8374-5667-7
4,95 € *
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Albumin is one of the most used human products worldwide. It is produced in the liver and has multiple functions all over the body. Therefore, if the liver is diseased albumin synthesis and quality declines. It is intuitive to say that if there is a deficiency we can supply - however this is not as easy as it appears. Use of albumin in patients with liver disease has been studied over the last decades with recent studies widening our understanding of this drug. This book focuses on the use of abdomen and liver cirrhosis, the mechanisms and part of physiology behind it as well as the dos and don'ts of clinical practice and current guidelines. Worldwide experts of liver cirrhosis and use of albumin have contributed to the book and reflected the current recommendations.
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