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Iloprost in Intensive Care Medicine
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Autor: Ralf Ewert, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University Greifswald, Clinic of Internal Medicine B, Dept. of Pulmonary Disease and Infectiology
Weitere Infos: UNI-MED Science, 2nd edition 2009, 128 pp,
Fachgebiete: Anaesthesiologie/Intensivmedizin/Schmerztherapie, English books, Buch, EPDF
Along with the clinical usage of iloprost (a stable analogue of the naturally occurring prostacyclin) in the treatment of peripheral arterial circulatory disturbances, a number of other clinical areas for the application of this substance have been yielded in the past few years. This book provides an extensive overview of up-to-date experiences with iloprost in patients suffering from various diseases. The spectrum encompasses inhalative and intraven-ous application in the treatment of patients with pulmonary hypertension, peripheral occlusive arterial disease, pulmonary thromboendarterectomy and the correction of congenital heart defects. Additionally, iloprost has found use not only within the framework of treatment for patients suffering from sepsis but also during cardiopulmonary reanimation. The theoretical rudiments necessary for a clear understanding are uniformly incorporated and the clinical experiences in individual usage are emphatically demonstrated by designated specialists. A number of instructive illustrations and graphics accompany the presented data.This book is directed towards intensive care doctors, physicians within the field of cardiology, pneumology, rheumatology, angiology as well as cardiac and vascular surgical colleagues.