Glaucoma Progression - Risk Factors, Diagnostic and Treatment Strategies

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Autor: Prof. Dr. Carl Erb, Augenklinik am Wittenbergplatz, Berlin

Weitere Infos: UNI-MED Science, 1st edition 2017, 176 pp,

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Produktname / ISBN Anzahl
ePDF Glaucoma Progression - Risk Factors, Diagnostic and Treatment Strategies
Download, ISBN: 978-3-8374-6380-4
4,95 € *
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Glaucoma is a progressive optic nerve neuropathy that leads to considerable visual disturbances over time. In order to keep the rate of progression as low as possible, we need to consider many different aspects that directly and indirectly affect progression of glaucoma. Over 16 chapters, distinguished authors shed light on the multifaceted scope of glaucoma progression and make many valuable recommendations on the difficult task of dealing with this.
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